Senin, 15 April 2013

My Castle My Rules

Ayolah, kesekian kalinya, lo telat lagi. Lebih cepat dan lebih beranilah. Apa perlu dibilang penakut dulu?  Mau dibilang "chicken"? Mau dibilang "yellow"? Of course NO. 

Lo tau, lo punya potensi. Cuma karena memulainya yang sulit. Cuma karena dulu caralo kurang bener. Tapi kenapa ngga mulai lagi? Takut? Ah, lil chicken you, dear. 

Mulailah dari nol. Anggep ngga ada yang kenal lo sekarang. Lo bisa membentuk karakterlo jadi apa aja. Lo yang milih. Lo yang atur.

Mungkin lo bisa mulai dengan kalimat "lihat orang itu!" Dia bisa. Lo juga bisa. Bedanya cuma dia bergerak lebih cepat dan berani, apalagi dalam hal memutuskan. Kenapa? Malu? Ah mau sampai kapan kaya gitu? Evaluasi deh. Sebenernya malu, atau takut? Takut aja ngga papa, tapi kalo takut sama ke-enggak-berhasilan? Please, itu namanya gentar hati. 

Kalo ada orang yang bergerak lebih cepat dari lo, lo bisa cari cara yang lebih pinter dari dia. Lo lambat? ngga papa juga sih, asal lo punya cara yang lebih hebat. Jangan tunggu orang lain yang mulai. Lo duluan yang mulai. Atau kalo memang lebih baik menunda, pastikan persiapanlo yang paling sempurna.

This is your castle. Your rules.

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Colin "George VI" Firth

In this grave hour, perhaps the 
most fateful in our history, I send 
to every household of my peoples, 
both at home and overseas this 
message spoken with the same depth 
of feeling for each one of you as 
if I were able to cross your 
threshold and speak to you myself.
For the second time in the lives of 
most of us we are at war. 
Over and over again we have tried 
to find a peaceful way out of the 
differences between ourselves and 
those who are now our enemies. But 
it has been in vain. We have been 
forced into a conflict. For we are 
called, with our allies, to meet 
the challenge of a principle which, 
if it were to prevail, would be 
fatal to any civilized order in the 
world. Such a principle, stripped 
of all disguise, is surely the mere 
primitive doctrine that might is 
right. For the sake of all that we 
ourselves hold dear, and of the 
world’s order and peace, it is 
unthinkable that we should refuse 
to meet the challenge. It is to 
this high purpose that I now call 
my people at home and my peoples 
across the seas, who will make our 
cause their own. I ask them to 
stand calm and firm, and united in 
this time of trial. The task will 
be hard. There may be dark days 
ahead, and war can no longer be 
confined to the battlefield. But we 
can only do the right as we see the 
right and reverently commit our 
cause to God.
If one and all we keep resolutely 
faithful to it, then, with God’s 
help, we shall prevail.

I like this speech. I love the way he does it. And he did it.
-Takes from the script of The King's Speech-

Selasa, 02 April 2013


There is a time 
When you are very annoyed with something
But you know that feeling is useless
But you want to express it
But you do not
And you are very grateful

and I am very grateful.